Sunday, December 6, 2009

Baby Dnt Worry

Okay, so i've decided that this is my logo. I dont do shit so idk what this could be the logo for. :/ but i like it! Wanna know something. Okay i'll tell all.

  • I smoke alot. I think my mom knows but she just doesnt ask.
  • I always cry in church.
  • I always cry when i tell my private life
  • I almost cried typing this and i havent said shit yet
  • confusing right?
  • Abnormal pleasures kill the taste for normal ones
  • I FINALLY have a cute security guard that works in my building
  • I dont live in my room.
  • Whenever i sleep in my room i dont sleep.
  • I stare at myself naked everyday.
  • My nipple ring is like the most liberating that, that and my afro makes me smile.
  • I love Danielle Mason.
  • Im slowly falling in love with Alternative Music
  • This girl next to me told me she was feeling my music.
  • Everything is never as it seems
  • For somereason when i admit to myself that i could potentially love this person, something in my brain switches and turns me off.
  • No matter all the negative comments Jay Z gets. He intrigues me more and more.
  • People stare at me all the time.
  • I take advantage of weak people. i need to stop doing that.
  • Las Fuentes is my birthday party every monday.
  • I fucked my feet up. I've been fighting boys alot lately. not in public tho.
  • I never use umbrellas.
  • later.
  • i have so many secrets. it would take forever to even let yall in .

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