Friday, January 1, 2010

Dont be Scared

-but pay close attention.

i love you jay, but even this video fucked my head up.

-i still like the video tho. tight/scary.


  1. care to share why it fucked with your head? i'm curious about ppl's thoughts on jay and his videos/lyrics.

    personally, i didn't like how he tried to flash these demonic and religious images quickly...

    i couldn't find anything suspect in his lyrics, but maybe i wasn't listening hard enough.

  2. not the lyrics, i was talking about in the video.

    i'm a fan of his, and i try to stay out of his personal life.

    i was just saying that anything people thought about him was confirmed in this video. and if he wanted them to talk, this video gave everybody a reason to.

    Yea this video was very creepy as far as the hidden messages that im sure nobody payed attention to cause their are ALOT IN THIS VIDEO.

  3. if you're talking about that demon goat shit he kept flashing, i was creeped out too! lol made me feel a lil uneasy...and how he flashed jesus burning on the cross (i think there was flames around him...too lazy to check)

    anyhoooo, i love your blog :) not trying to sound stalkerish or anything lol but i cam across it since we're fb friends..

    i'm really not a stalker. please believe me lol i just like observing interesting people that don't censor themselves

  4. lol yea that did too, it was alot more stuff i was analyzing. but enough with the creepy stuff.

    THANK YOU for reading lol, i dont think your a stalker im really glad you follow it and enjoy. That really made me smile :)

  5. "lol i just like observing interesting people that don't censor themselves"

    thats cool cool man

  6. lmao it's true! and BOY am i glad you don't think i'm a creep lol keep up with the blog; one of the most interesting ones i've came across.

    oh yea, you're welcome :)
