Saturday, January 9, 2010


So i was at this place, and it was this guy. It was really strange because i wasn't attracted to him at all, but it was like a energy i felt. Obviously he felt it too. So when he pulled me to the side he was like ...
Him: When's your birthday?
Her: Aug 12th
Him: Leo, i knew it
Her: Howd you know?
Him: idk how to say it
Her: whens your bday?
Him: Aug 21st
Her: Leo
Him: idk, you were just sitting there not saying shit while everybody else was talking, and all the attention was just drawn to you. Thats how leo's are. Your auroa and presence is very strong. Thats good. Your relaxed.

Her: Lol, thanks. I understand :) thats cool, iv'e been studying about us.

Disclaimer: thats as far as the convo went, thats it. But just proves that Leo's Rule

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